21 November 2024
After a lively recording session in Hamilton, I was off to Sydney! Having never been to Australia, I was excited to explore the city. We arrived at our hotel around 9:30 pm, right in the heart of Darling Square, where the streets were buzzing with life. I quickly dropped my luggage in the room and went to explore Sydney’s night views. I had some street sweets and saw several bustling restaurants that I noted to visit the next day.
The next morning, I had some free time before the dress rehearsal at 4 pm, so I headed to Surry Hills for brunch, explored the city centre, visited the stunning St Mary’s Cathedral, and walked through the vibrant atmosphere. I thought the trees with purple flowers scattered all around Sydney were beautiful—I’m not sure of their name, but I took some pictures and even made one my wallpaper.

The performance in Sydney might have been the biggest audience we’ve played for, and it was heartwarming to see so many young conservatory students in attendance. After the show, we had a full day to relax, and Piano Plus treated us to a lovely lunch overlooking the harbor.
Our final stop was Melbourne. We arrived on the day of the performance and left the next, but I still managed to explore the city. The performance hall was both beautiful and cozy, reminiscent of the house concert we did in Queenstown. I loved the inclusive and intimate feel of the space—it was a fitting way to say goodbye to our tour.