Sunday night performances
Young artist chamber ensemble

Sunday night performances

Easter Sunday - Our lovely musicians volunteered their time and talent at local churches for their Easter services yesterday morning.  The afternoon hosted more amazing concerts and recitals. Yesterday’s community performance showcased Wasabi - the Japanese choir, piano students of Kinga Krupa, Aspiring Chamber Ensemble and young artist Zephyr Willis (a musician of incredible talent and range) was pulled in at the last minute to perform. Not only does Zephyr play the viola, but he’s also a talented…

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Saturday night performances
Young artist Peter Gjelsten performing

Saturday night performances

A fresh Queenstown day began with a taonga pūoro talk from Tararua members, Ariana Tikao and Alistair Fraser.  Coming off the back of their performance the previous night, the talk provided an incredible insight into their unique musicality. Ariana and Alistair discussed their own journey with taonga pūoro and how improvisation skills from Tararua group members Ruby Solly and Phil Boniface are exceptionally valuable when working with taonga pūoro. Demonstrating how each instrument is used, they explained the…

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Opening night excites
Ariana Tikao of Tararua performing taonga pūoro

Opening night excites

After another big day of rehearsals and sound checks, before everything kicked off yesterday evening! An afternoon of soundchecks for Tararua and Dale Gold Sandbox Quartet gave the staff an exciting little sneak of what was to come.  One of our incredible sponsors, Craigs Investment Partners, kindly hosted an opening reception for artists, staff, sponsors and supporters. Gerald Fitzgerald, chair of the Michael Hill International Violin Competition Trust, thanked sponsors and supporters for adapting to the shift in…

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Impromptu Fergburger performance!
Young artists outside Fergburger after their performance.

Impromptu Fergburger performance!

Getting excited for public performances - some of the young artists put on an impromptu, flashmob style performance outside the famous Fergburger. A fun, light-hearted performance, had people in the Fergburger queue taking videos and stopping passerbys in their tracks. Even the Ferg chefs came outside for a listen! A fun way to finish off the artists Thursday rehearsals. And of course they were rewarded with world-famous delicious burgers courtesy of Fergburger!   Check shots from the evening…

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Supporting Arts in the Community
Sir Michael Hill and Lady Christine Hill, Tararua and Ngai Tāhu members and Ngai Tāhu welcome.

Supporting Arts in the Community

This morning began with school visits. Introducing local kids to classical music, inspiring and stimulating kids to continue or pick up their own instrument.  Young artists April and Stefenie visited St Joseph’s Primary School, Shuan, Hazuki and Cecile went to Te Kura Whakatipu o Kawarau and composer Lucy Mulgan engaged with kids at the Liger Academy.  Stefenie introduced the kids to the clarinet, playing the ‘Peppa Pig’ theme song, which was met with much enthusiasm as they all…

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Rehearsals are underway
Young artists rehearsing with guidance from Andrew Joyce.

Rehearsals are underway

And the week is underway!  Beginning with community workshops and young artist rehearsals, our professional and emerging artists have brought the Queenstown Memorial Centre to life with their beautiful sounds.  Our musicians began their day with rehearsals for their individual recitals before a professional development session hosted by professional artist Bridget Douglas. Coming together for the afternoon the young artists began rehearsing for their Young Artist Chamber Concert on Sunday with guidance from professional artists Robin Wilson, Andrew…

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Welcome to Queenstown

Our professional and emerging artists have touched down in Queenstown! Festival Director, Anne Rodda warmly welcomed everyone involved, compensating for a classic Queenstown southerly. Musicians, host families, sponsors and staff got the chance to settle in and meet each other before a jam-packed week of music. The excitement is growing as our musicians prepare to truly bring the hills alive with music.  Tomorrow kicks off the week with community workshops hosted by world-class professional artists. Join us this…

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Introducing this year’s Young Artists

This year we have a dozen extremely talented emerging artists joining us for the festival. These young artists aged 18 to 28 have made waves both here in New Zealand and overseas. Although covid has placed some restrictions on them…. It means we are lucky enough to have them perform and engage with the community here in Queenstown! Most recently five of our young artists took part in the National String Comp etition and Lewis Eady National Piano…

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