‘Twas the first day of winter, when high above Queenstown
A large jumbo jet brought a rumbling sound
Of musicians aplenty, their instruments aboard;
Snowy mountains grew closer, further they came towards.
The graceful runaway below, a fly-away stave;
No more beautiful sight their vision ever gave,
For the Whakatipu Music Festival, these artists arrive;
An inaugural event filled with Kiwi classical music pride.
Whakatipu Music Festival’s artists touched down at Queenstown Airport this afternoon. Met by their host families, Young Artists stay for a week’s duration of festival preparation; including rehearsals, mentoring by professional artists, and career development workshops.
Hear our Young Artists play on Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 June!
Performing Young Artist Recitals on Saturday and Sunday from 2.30-6pm at the Queenstown Memorial Centre. Get tickets here!
Sunday evening concert from 7-9pm at the Queenstown Memorial Centre sees Young Artists perform a Chamber Ensemble together. Too much talent in one room – an event not to be missed! Tickets here.
We are so grateful for the support of our local host families for putting up these Young Artists and opening up their homes to us for rehearsal practises. Thank you!
Great to see smiles on everyone’s their happy faces, in spite of the cold! What a wonderful introduction to winter.
Haere mai ki Tāhuna – Welcome to Queenstown